Takumi “H” Control Set Up Guidance Tutorial #4, Inner Diameter Centering Measurement With Offset

Set down your calculator and let the Takumi H Control handle the work. With the Set-up Guidance feature, you can quickly locate parts and store the calculated location to one of the included 56 work offsets with ease. Using an edge finder, simply follow the prompts of the menu driven process in this video for touching 3 points on the I.D of  a feature or part. The control calculates the center of your feature. You then will enter an offset from the feature to make the center of the part the G54 reference. The Takumi “H” control lets you get to making chips faster!

Set down your calculator and let the Takumi H Control handle the work.

With the Set-up Guidance feature, you can quickly locate parts and store the calculated location to one of the included 56 work offsets with ease.

Using an edge finder, simply follow the prompts of the menu driven process in this video for touching 3 points on the I.D of  a feature or part. The control calculates the center of your feature. You then will enter an offset from the feature to make the center of the part the G54 reference.

The Takumi “H” control lets you get to making chips faster!